Summer Roadtrips 101

Thinking about taking a summer road trip? Summer road trips are a great way to discover new places, bond with friends or family and provide a relaxing vacation that you control. Although you may be looking for spontaneity and a chance to discover new places, the more organized you are before departure, the more time you’ll have free to explore later on. Read on to find out our top tips to make the most of your summer road trip.

Plan Your Route

You may be craving to hit the open road and leave it all to chance, but it definitely helps, at the very least, to have a handful of places in mind. It may sound boring and you may think that having a plan could ruin your trip, causing you to miss out on certain places and rush to keep up with the schedule. However, when you’re stuck deciding where to go at a key junction, arguments start about who’s idea it was to go left, and if what you thought sounded like a great little town turns out to be a dump after hours of driving, you will begin to wish you’d made some kind of plan.

If you’re the spontaneous type, don’t worry, you don’t need to rigidly stick to what you decide. It can simply serve as a backup guide in case you need a little guidance or inspiration. Make a simple plan focusing on which direction you’ll be taking, any places you’d like to visit and how long approximately you expect to take between stops. List the main places and roads and keep a copy in your vehicle. You won’t be able to please everyone but try to get any travel companions’ agreement before setting off to prevent disagreements later.
Once your trip’s underway feel free to visit other places you’ve never heard of and make detours. The plan is only there to help and if you’re having a great time elsewhere it’s pointless rushing off because of something you’ve written down. Road trips are great when you discover places and there will be plenty of surprises, so keep an open mind and do what’s right for that moment. Plan, but don’t stick to it, be flexible and enjoy your freedom.

Vehicle Maintenance

Now that you have at least an idea of where you’re heading, minimize the stress and time loss caused by a breakdown and make sure that your vehicle is in top condition. If you’ve recently noticed any issues with your vehicle, now’s the time to get them checked out. If all has been fine, take a few minutes to check your fluid levels, the coolant, oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, windshield washer fluid and brake fluid.

It is important, and easy, to check all of your lights are working, including brake and tail lights. Enlist the help of a family member or friend to help you so you can be sure that they’re all working and replace any if necessary.
Next, make sure that your tires are not worn down. Check tire pressure and don’t forget to check your spare is in good order. Now’s an excellent time to check that you have everything you would need in an emergency for a roadside repair. At the very minimum you will need jumper cables, a jack, tools, a flashlight, reflective triangle and first aid kit.

If you’re not really sure how to do any of this or you have any doubts, take your vehicle into a garage or have someone help you who knows what they’re doing. There is no point setting off for a road trip only to be held up waiting for parts at a garage for days when this could easily be prevented.

Finally, give your vehicle a good clean inside and out. Cleaning the exterior could help bring your attention to any possible issues you may not have been aware of and will get your trip off to a good start. Cleaning the inside is a no-brainer, you’re going to be spending an awful lot of time in your vehicle, get the hard work over with now and stop regularly for a quick clean over and trash dump at service stations. If you don’t have the time or inclination, or simply feel like treating yourself, get your car detailed by a professional.

Pack Light

Make a list of all of the essentials that you will need and try to avoid over packing. An overcrowded car will be uncomfortable, slow and use more gas. Adding weight decreases a vehicle’s fuel efficiency and you are sure to pick up a few things on the way, alongside souvenirs. Make sure everyone you’ve invited knows what they need and make space and weight restrictions clear.

Pack what you really need, then see how much, if any, space is available for any extra itms you feel you can’t live without. Getting back to basics and making the most of a given situation is part of the road trip experience.

Stay Up to Date

You may not want to go overboard planning and enjoy a more impulsive trip, this may mean you are unable to find out about any potential issues with your route before you leave. In any case it pays to ask questions where ever you stop and to listen to the local radio. This can also help you to make your trip miles better, a bit of local knowledge, where to stay, what to see, can really make all the difference. Gas station stops can be turned into opportunities to find out about traffic problems and the local area. Where possible try to research ahead and if necessary change your route or opt for another stopover if major delays are expected.

Travel Companions

If your invitees aren’t already set in stone or you’re thinking of inviting a few new faces, it might be worth spending a little time together as a group to see how things work. If you can’t bear each other after a meal out then imagine how things would be on the road. A mix of people who get along well is essential to a road trip’s success. Of course, there will be fallouts along the way, but make sure that you can all get along prior to departure. Likewise, if there are any problems or on-going issues between anyone going, it would be best to get those sorted out before the trip gets ruined for everyone else. It can be hard to exclude somebody, but sometimes this needs to be done.


A road trip is a great experience which will throw up many surprises both good and bad. You can’t plan for all eventualities and sometimes what initially seems an inconvenience can end up being a blessing. Make sure you enjoy your time travelling and making great memories. It’s the unpredictability and change from everyday life that make road trips a breath of fresh air. So enjoy the ride!